torsdag 12 december 2013

Theme 6: Qualitative and case study research

Qualitative methods
This week I chose the study "The Effect of a Web-based Writing Program in College English Writing Classes" by Wenli Tsou published in Advanced Learning Technologies (2008). The study is about a web-based writing program and tests the program's ability to improve students’ English writing. The study consists of two parts one quantitative where data was gathered of students’ result when tested the program. The other part is a qualitative one and contains a questionnaire to find out students’ opinions about the program and semi-structured interviews were held with teachers to find out their thoughts about using the program.

At first when I read the paper I thought it was better to choose another one since I didn’t consider questionnaires as a qualitative study. But the author clearly stated that he had used a qualitative and a quantitative study so I decided to read a bit more about qualitative studies. Just as two weeks ago when we talked about quantitative studies I got surprised that I had so little knowledge about something I believed to know. After reading up on qualitative studies, I changed my mind. The questionnaires in the paper aim to get more depth in the study and find out how and why the student’s results and thoughts differed from each other. Therefor the questionnaires could be a qualitative study depending on the format of the questions and execution. I had no doubt from the beginning that the interviews were a qualitative method.

The study is of small extent and unfortunately the author doesn’t describe how the questionnaires or the interviews where done. Therefore it’s difficult to know how qualitative his study really is. I think he should have been more critical to his choice of methods and motivated his decisions in order to strengthen his paper. Since he didn’t gather a great quantitative of data I think he could have improved his study by doing interviews with the students as well as the teachers. You could gather a lot more qualitative information from a face-to-face meeting than from a questionnaire. I believe that the misunderstandings and misinterpretations would decrease with interviews. In an interview you can explain the questions more thoroughly and you can see the interviewee’s reactions and interact on a higher-level.

Case Study
A case study is a research method in which you examine a certain case. The method aims to give a deeper understanding through empirical data. A case study is used when you want to observe something specific. For example you can do a case study by examining a group of people, an incident or an organization etc. A case study could be investigating, explanatory or descriptive. In a case study you often focus on one or a few specific cases to get a more detailed knowledge and understanding of the situation.

I read the paper “Student experiences: Collaboration for group assignment in distance education” by Lisa Soon and Maryam Sarrafzadeh published 2010 on IEEE. The paper studies the use of learning management systems (LMS) for group assignments in distance. The study is made in Australia where the authors have done a case study at Charles Sturt University on their LMS “Interact”. The study involved 73 undergraduate students who were divided into groups with assignments to carry out. They were given a set of communication tools such as the LMS Interact to use as communication channels. To gather data and the students’ opinions a web-based survey were sent out to the ones that participated.

In my opinion the authors did a good case study in a well thought out way. Here follows an examination of the paper with the help of
"Process of Building Theory from Case Study Research" (Eisenhardt, 1989)

Getting Started: The study aims to explore collaboration through Internet in distance educations but I believe the research question could be clarified.

Selecting Cases: The authors have done a good job choosing and limit the cases. They chose to study one course and the students who took the course. Even though they don’t define a specific old or origin of their target group I think they have managed to circumscribe the participants.

Crafting Instruments and Protocols:  The data was gathered through a web-based survey. It would be a much bigger study if the authors had decided to do interviews with all the participants but I believe that you miss some of the data through a survey. Nevertheless a survey is an efficient way to collect data and offers the opportunity to be anonymous.
Enfolding literature: The literature that is used is well organized and strengthens the study.

Analyzing data: The data is analyzed and the results are shown in intuitive graphs. The data is categorized and then analyzed which makes it easy to follow.

Reaching closure:  The conclusion is based on the data but is very general about e-learning and its advantages and disadvantages. 

4 kommentarer:

  1. Hi Cim,

    I can see some advantages of using written questionnaires as opposed to face-to-face interviews. If the topic is very sensitive, you might get a more honest and in-depth answer if you can write it down anonymously (den semi-anonymously) as compared to a face-to-face conversation, especially if it is something you are embarrassed about or find it hard to talk about. In this particular case though, studying a web-based writing program then that is probably not an issue.

    1. Hi Jenny,
      I agree with you. As I wrote, one of many benefits with questionnaires is the possibility of anonymity. What I was trying to highlight was the disadvantages of using questionnaires as a qualitative method. I would personally consider questionnaires as a better quantitative method than a qualitative method since it's difficult to get a deeper understanding of the participants through a questionnaire.

  2. Hi Cim,

    Thanks for some interesting paragraphs! Firstly, I would like to say that I am quite intrigued by the article you chose. As we have studied a bit of e-learning in the social media technologies course, I am wondering how quantifiable this study is. Did the study say if the students were happy about the program? In that case there must great potential in these kind of tools! Do you, by reading this article, think language courses will more and more become something you can take as a distance course?

    1. Thanks for your comment.
      The results of the study varied but the students who used the web-based writing program in general had a greater development during the course, especially in content and organization. Even though I believe web-based system lack some qualities I do think it will be used more in the future. It is efficient and less time consuming to use. I would prefer a mix of web-based tutoring and class held lectures.
