torsdag 19 december 2013


Hey Johan,
I see your point but I don't agree with you. I believe a study with ten people could be a qualitative study, maybe not in all areas and maybe the paper you read should have used another one. But I think in some cases, if the study is very narrow and only concerns a specific case, you could evaluate ten people and get a valid result. Of course you can not generalize the case to a whole country or a whole city but only to the specific narrow case.
Anyway, thank you for some interesting reading.

I do believe that visual programming could give you a deeper understanding since it's easier to se how everything is connected than for example in Python. So I don't think Python provides a better picture of how computers are built. I agree with you that physical programming could be used as "programming for dummies" as you call it, but I would consider having a visual programming language in our basic courses. I think it is easier to see the flow and fallow the process in a programming with visual programming than with Python and my opinion is that the most important thing to get on basic level is understanding on how it works.

Thanks for your comment.
The results of the study varied but the students who used the web-based writing program in general had a greater development during the course, especially in content and organization. Even though I believe web-based system lack some qualities I do think it will be used more in the future. It is efficient and less time consuming to use. I would prefer a mix of web-based tutoring and class held lectures.

Hi Micke!

I was also thinking about that it is impossible to get perfect results since people interpret things differently and react differently to different situations and from day to day. Say that one of your interviewees had an awful day maybe he/she will express him/her in a different way than usual. This will in some extent affect your results. What I think is important to remember is to keep this in mind when you are researching and try to determine your studies weaknesses and how to avoid falling in to pitfalls.

Hi Jenny,
I agree with you. As I wrote, one of many benefits with questionnaires is the possibility of anonymity. What I was trying to highlight was the disadvantages of using questionnaires as a qualitative method. I would personally consider questionnaires as a better quantitative method than a qualitative method since it's difficult to get a deeper understanding of the participants through a questionnaire.

I do not think physical programming will take over entirely, but I do believe it will expand. I can't imagine that it will over power Python as programming language at KTH. It would be interesting looking at the possibilities of visual programming. To me it seems more logical than for example Python. What is your opinion about visual programming?

I see what your point, but I would rather prefer starting with a low-fidelity prototype since it is cheaper to develop and often takes less time and after that do a high-fidelity prototype. Another good thing with low-fidelity prototypes is that they are often not totally developed and often more like a "sketch" which invites the target group to criticize and evaluate the product with out having a clear image of it. Just like you say, one risk is that the users may evaluate the prototype itself more than the overall concept.

In my case I was lucky, I don't think I would have gotten the as good results as I did if I had done it the other way around. My idea was to get some knowledge of the test persons' habits through the questionnaire and then get deeper understanding of people with appropriate habits and their usage during the interviews.

I do believe it could have been a good experience making a mistake as well since than I would have gotten a greater knowledge about quantitative and qualitative methods right away rather than now almost almost a year later.

I absolutely agree with you. It is good to look at the extremes sometimes to put more context to the normal, all though it could be equally diffusing if you don't understand the alternatives. For me in this case with Russell it gave me a better understanding because I've familiar with Descartes, but for someone who is not maybe he/she would have been more confused trying to figure out Descartes as well as Russell.

I agree with you, one of the weaknesses in this her text is that she doesn't explain and motivate her choices. I believe that the most important things when writing a paper like this is to think through your choices, motivate them well and criticize them. In my opinion, that is what separates an OK paper from a really good one. If this is achieved I believe the author has a greater knowledge of what he/she is examining.

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